Procedure Log app frequently asked questions.

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Is there an option to upload/backup the database to Dropbox?


Yes, one can send the Backup.zip file, which can be created from the Create Reports view by turning the "Create Backup" switch to on and contains encrypted copies of the database, reports, and photos and/or signature image files if any are included in the logged reports. After creating the Backup.zip file, one is shown a list of the files that can be shared; tap on the file name and select the Dropbox option. You may need to have the Dropbox app on your iPhone and be logged in to Dropbox. One can also send the file(s) using the iPhone's Files app; see the FAQ Knowledgebase article "How to transfer files created in the app to and from your computer using the Files app, iTunes, or the Finder (macOS Catalina and newer only)."

Related articles How to transfer files created in the app to and from your computer using the Files app, iTunes, or the Finder.
How to unzip the database and backup.zip file once they've been transferred to computer.
Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Procedure Log
Date added: 12-Nov-2019 11:21pm

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